

Defined as a pseudo-grain, quinoa is not a gramineous plant and does not contain gluten, making it suitable for people suffering from coeliac disease. Thanks to its characteristics, it is still a valid alternative to cereals and can be used in the kitchen as a substitute for rice, millet, couscous... to prepare salads, soups, burgers and meatballs.

Quinoa has a wealth of nutritional properties. It is very rich in protein, carbohydrates and dietary fibre. It contains two essential amino acids that are very important for the body’s proper functioning: lysine and methionine. It also contains a good proportion of minerals and vitamins, particularly magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E.

Quinoa is a particularly energising food: 100 grams provide around 350 calories. Its high protein content makes quinoa a viable alternative to classic protein foods for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet.

  • 10 kg
  • NO
  • YES